
Icone and Giulio Cappellini, light and design

Where did the idea come from to bring together a big name in Italian furniture design to the world of lighting.

Taking an interest in the subject of light after an extraordinary career in interiors. A challenge? For Giulio Cappellini it is above all enthusiasm and passion for his work and for everything that revolves around design and its fields of application.

The light? Why not. And, as we shall see later, this is not the only digression from your favourite theme, that of interior design, that the famous architect and designer has allowed himself.

I really like working on choral projects, with the most diverse designers, with a very different approach to design and coming from different parts of the world. I really like working on what I call the company project.

I met Icone at an exhibition I had organised on Italian products in Singapore. I discovered a company asset, a solidity, a really strong professionalism that should be promoted, should be made known both to the final public and to professionals.”

I found fertile ground to work on. This intrigued me a lot, because I love to work as an art director and as a company designer in different sectors.”I don’t work on two companies in the same sector because it wouldn’t make sense. I do sanitary ware, lighting, and now I’ve added heating and even a design lift project.”

In the case of Icone, I have seen that there is a very strong company heritage, a great curiosity and a great desire to do. I think this is also the strength of the entire Italian industry.”

We are now pursuing this project (Icons) by expanding our collaboration with different designers, and above all by trying to give it a very precise and rigorous identity.”

Icons must move, even in the multiplicity of languages of the objects it has in its catalogue, always in a very coherent, very precise way.”

The thing I like about Icone is that it is a serious and contemporary company. It will be able to say a lot going forward in the future.”The Pagnoncelli brothers give me a lot of space and I’m very pleased about that, it’s a very clear collaboration.”

-Giuglio Cappellini, Art Director Icone


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