In Modena, at the “Domus Petra,” to rediscover urban aesthetics

Giulio Cappellini and Leonardo Talarico reinvent the Domus Pompeiana in a modern context, also through the lighting of Icone Luce lamps.

Petra, an event scheduled in Modena from February 10 to 18, is an exhibition dedicated to landscape design, linking the classic to the contemporary. It presents innovative solutions for outdoor areas, focusing on the harmony of various elements to create balance and sustainability.

The concept is materialized through installations by architects and landscapers, combining landscape, design, art, and nature.

In particular, “Domus Petra” explores the integration of indoor and outdoor spaces in an urban context; a classically inspired house where design objects fit perfectly.

Domus Petra is an installation curated by Giulio Cappellini with Leonardo Talarico. It is a contemporary reinterpretation of the Domus Pompeiana, characterized by large indoor and outdoor spaces and an agora that acts as the focal point and meeting place of the entire home.

Inside, there is a sleeping area, dining, living, study, and bathroom/relaxation area.

The large spaces are illuminated by some of the most significant Icone lamps:

  • Lama, by Giulio Cappellini and Leonardo Talarico, both table and floor models.
  • Gru and Vera by Marco Pagnoncelli.

In the outdoor area, there are some scenic Salsola lights, also by Marco Pagnoncelli.

On Saturday, January 10 at 11 a.m., Giulio Cappellini, art director of Icone Luce, will participate in the roundtable “In-out door, design between home, green and landscape” with Aldo Colonnetti and Luca Fois, and at 12:30 p.m. will comment on the book “Il kitsch, anthology of bad taste” by Gillo Dorfles.


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